Church Project

Reading the Bible in a Year

May 21, 2020

A new group at First Christian! A new study will start January 8, 2025 called Reading the Bible in a Year. See below for details.


Joyful Noise Series

May 21, 2020

Every other month, the church hosts a special musical performance for the whole community.


Red Cross Blood Donation

May 21, 2020

The Blood Drive is combined with the Food Drive the second Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall.


What does “All means ALL” mean to First Christian Church Scottsdale?

First Christian Church Scottsdale is an Open and Affirming congregation seeking to practice God’s radical hospitality. This means that we fully welcome people of ALL sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions into our life and ministry. This welcome is extended to ALL ethnicities, ages, abilities, and economic statuses.

Is this a non-denominational Church or are you part of a larger denomination?

We are proud to be a congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. We are influenced by its founding ideas of unity in Christ, as well as, inviting openness and diversity in practices and beliefs.

Do you celebrate communion every Sunday and who is welcome to receive?

Yes! Every week, we invite ALL (including non-members) to share at Christ’s table.

Do you baptize, and what is your practice of baptism?

Yes, we do baptisms. As a denomination, we practice believer’s baptism with immersion. When a person is ready to take that step towards baptism, we practice full immersion. However, we recognize all baptisms, and do not ask individuals to be re-baptized.

Do I have to give any money?

No, however, if you choose to do so you can use Givelify, an online giving platform.  Donations can also be placed in offering plates located in the back of the Worship Center, but it is not required. If you do decide to give, those donations go not only to support the church budget, but to agencies in our local community and around the world.

What should I wear?

You get to choose – we are a very laid back congregation in dress. People wear everything from jeans to slacks and dresses.

How long does service last?

Worship lasts about one hour. Following worship you are invited to stay for an informal time of fellowship in the Fellowship Hall or on sunny days outside in the  Courtyard.

Where do I sit?

Anywhere you like.

What about children?

Children are welcome in worship, we have a short moment in the service where kids are invited to come forward for a children’s message.  Nursery care available.

Address to send check donations

PO Box is #6193
Scottsdale, AZ 85261