Food Drive collection at First Christian Church every third Wednesday of the month for local food banks.
Red Cross Blood Drive monthly. Sign up here (Sponsor Code: FCCS)
Operation Fix It with the City of Scottsdale.
Family Promise partnership with Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ, which provides shelter and support for families.
We support many of the Scottsdale Community Partners programs.
Senior and youth programs.
Community missions.
And others as opportunities arise.
Healthy Packs – provides kid-friendly, ready-to-eat, nutritious food for the weekend, so children return to school each Monday, energized and ready to learn. Rev. Judy Stall created this important ministry with the help of First Christian Church.
Noon prayers with Rev. Jenny Wynn on the church’s Facebook page Tuesday through Friday.
Lectio divina (Divine reading) contemplative prayer practice every Wednesday at 3:30, currently on Zoom. Please contact the office to receive the zoom link.
Book Discussion Group every Thurs at 6:00 p.m., currently on Zoom. Contact the office to receive the zoom link.
We provide a safe space for weekly and daily Alcoholic Anonymous groups.
Mission Nutrition. This is a once-a-month meal delivery for those in the congregation who are struggling with illness, food scarcity, and/or unable to leave their homes.
Knitting and Crochet ministry. This ministry provides prayer squares and prayer shawls to provide loving support and physical representation of prayer to those who have concerns and joys.
Saturday Workdays happen once a month. This is not only a time to work on the property needs but a great time of fellowship.
Other care needs and concerns are met by:
Pastoral care which includes one on one meetings with Rev. Jenny Wynn.
Home Communion upon request.
Hospital or assisted living visits.
Elders provide communion and visit with those unable to leave their homes, offer leadership in the church, and serve regularly in worship.
A special opportunity to care for the community exists through contributing to a Vista delCamino program for the homeless in the area. Please review their Wish List.
Fellowship committee helps us to celebrate as a community around communal meals and other activities, including fellowship after worship.
May 21, 2020
A new group at First Christian! A new study will start January 8, 2025 called Reading the Bible in a Year. See below for details.
May 21, 2020
Every other month, the church hosts a special musical performance for the whole community.
May 21, 2020
The Blood Drive is combined with the Food Drive the second Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall.
Please click a group session below to learn more & register.